Friday, January 27, 2012


Hello.. hello.. hello...
hi everyone...
hari ni nak cter pasal 1 blog ni...
one of my favourite blog...

nme dyer...

comel kan blog nyer...

nme tuan tanah dyer...
Syuibatul Islamiah Mahirah..
dyer ni my classmate.. :))

the one with chocolate t-shirt...

first nak cter pasal islam_mya ni...
dyer ni sangat2 ter-excited kalu2 nmpak..
man yg rpe ala2 chinese..
fanatik kot...

dyer ni.. kalu org x kenal..
org akan ingat dyer ni
type kawan2 yg boring..
tapi sebenarnya TIDAK!~
dyer sangat peramah, gila2...
otak ting tong sket..
mmg THE BEZ la...

spe yg nak kenal atau contact dyer...
bukak la fb dyer

ok.. berbalik kpd blog dyer...
blog dyer nmpk lagi sweet n tenang..
dengan berlatar belakang kan...
bunyi2 piano..
syok giler wa ckp..
dengan ayat2 dyer yg puitis n gramatis..
mmg memukau habis..
bagi aq lah..

ayat2 yg dyer cbe sampaikan..
mmg mendalam mmg byk pengajaran...

"maybe we have the same past,
but not the same futher AND
maybe we have a different past,
but aimming for the same futher
what ever it is,
keep believing that we only have
-Di petik dr blog syesukasportlight.blogspot-
(blog islam)                          

di sini ada sedikit pesanan kepada awak islam
+sye tersangat2 ske blog awk..
+sye selalu tau walking2 kat blog awk..
+esok x saba nak jumpe awk.. hohoho..
+wish u success in SPM'13' strive for our 11A+ together yea..
+semoga awak dpt jmpe jejaka.. mke chinese awk tu..
lg baguz kalu awak dpt bwk 1 mualaf baru.. :))
+sye syg awk...

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Quiz.. Is Falling in love is easy for you?...

Hello all my dear readers,
syida tgh count down nak
naik sekolah ni...
so sad..
i will miss my fb's n blogger's friends
a lot..
So.. my followers...
kat sini ader satu quiz..
syidah sediakan...

tajuk quiz ni...

best tak?
kalu korang nak join n tau jawapan nyer ape..
korang post jawapan korang tu kat comment box syida ye..
i'll give u answer
Do you really easy to fall in love or not...

Ni question dyer..

1)  If a guy/girl comes and professes his/her love for you,
         a) your heart melts
         b) you feel good, but nothingdoing tillyou know him/her better.

2) What is the most factor for you when it comed to selecting a partner?
         a) looks
         b) attitiude

3) Are you a die-hard romantics?
         a) yes
         b) not really

4) Do you hate being single?
          a) yes
          b) not really

5)  How many dates you usually take to fall in love with someone?
          a) At least one or two
          b) At least five or six

6) Do you believe in romance,the way it happens in movie?
         a) yes
         b) no

7) Do you believe in love at first sight?
         a) Yes
         b) No

8) Have you ever fallen for someone without knowing anything about him/her except his/her name?
         a) Once or twice
         b) Never

9) You first dates with others usually end with
         a) changing phone number
         b) nothing happen

nak tau jawapannyer..
post jawapan korang..
kat comment box..

eg...   1. a    2. a  3. ..

sekian terima kasih~

sye nak awak jawab..

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Friendship never end~

Hye... hye... hye...
hello all readers...
Nampak tak tulisan warna 'pink' tu~
yang maner?!
yang kat atas tu la~
yang tulis 'assalamualaikum' tu..
nampak? nampak? = ='
huh!~ lega..
dah nampak kan.. so,
jgn lpe jawab salam tu tau.. dosa tau kalau x jawab =D

Ok lah.. kite joking smpai situ jer~
Actually syida tak tahu nak post ape hari ni...
Duduk pikir2.. lame dapat idea...

Hari ni nak cerita pasal

kawan or friends membawa maksud...
*First*  A person whom one knows well and is found of.. =)
*Second*  An ally, supporter, a faithful companian.. =D
*Third* A keeper of secrets
*Fourth*  A person whom one can laugh or cry, share hopes and dream..
*Fifth*  One who is held in the most noble regard and highest esteem

Like me.. Syida pun ader the-so-called great friendship..
maklumlah duduk hostel kan..
kite dapat banyak kawan...
hidup seperti adik-beradik..
well known as a big family..

So hari ni lebih nak cerita ke arah
And today i'm proudly wanna
introduced my besties...

Lawa kan dyer.. cantik kan dyer...
hahahahah =D
terlebih suda~
dyer ni la kawan baik saye..
terbangga plak =)

Korang nak tau tak?

What I Know about her...

Name~ Fatihin Dalila binti Abu Mawan
Sweet16 on 19th of Sept.
Rumah dyer kat bee pee.. Batu pahat
Anak sulong... kakak kepada 3 adik lelaki
Nme manje dyer i'in.. fat.. =D
Medicine 4.. SM Sains Sultan Iskandar
Ayah mama dyer teacher..
ske makan choc..
dyer ni tinggi macam galah.. baik.. cengeng.. kuat hentak kaki bila marah =p
Dyer ni dah berpunyer.. so x boleh kac0.. hahaha =D
minat pink..~
 ske kucing~

"sayangi teman anda" 


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